From the moment you land it's like you have entered another quantum dimension, one that understands its innocence yet awakens the purest feeling of abundance that nourishes our souls.
I had read something from Joe Dispenza where he said when we wake up in the morning, most of us think in the past, and we don’t allow ourselves stillness to tap into the quantum field of abundance that’s already in our future. We think about what we have to do that day, who we need to interact with, and what current tasks we need to complete. Those trains of thought are reactions to past events, and so we wake up living in the past. Instead, if we are open to feeling an elevated state of emotion that reflects an excitement and enthusiasm for our desired destination, then we are on our path, and we are more open to receiving in more natural ways.
It was this framing, along with my friendship with Monica, that brought me to her villa Tavola and her experience Stillness. I wanted to be open to connecting to a new version of myself. Stillness brings out the best in you as you become one with the land. You are guided by the forces of nature. For instance, when you cook a meal you may have to wait a few days for a pineapple to ripen, you may not catch fish, or you may catch too many. You work with the seasons and connect with the land in ways that allow abundance and beauty to be revealed. This is such a joyful and natural way to live.
Fiji offers a lifestyle that is profoundly nurturing for the soul, constantly reminding us to be grateful for the planet we live on and the abundance it provides. I had a profoundly illuminating experience at Tavola, and I found that new version of myself, along with a deep sense of gratitude for this very magical place on earth.